Happy New Year from Jumpstart Video Production Cincinnati

Look for More Blog Content in 2021

Happy New Year from all of us at Jumpstart Video Production Cincinnati. The blog topics I write about tend to focus on ideas or solutions that business owners or marketers can use to drive sales. Much of my work in video production has involved creating advertising and promotional video content. In many cases I worked directly for business owners and marketers. I have always enjoyed working with entrepreneurs, sales professionals and creatives. The Jumpstart Video team thrives in a small business setting where the resources are limited and the results are measurable and critical.  Of course we all want to produce something great and effective. Situations where we have little to work with in terms of time and budget is where creativity can make all the difference.

We Hope to Inspire Ideas, Action

In all my years in video production the same situations would come up over and over again. My hope in sharing my thoughts, observations and ideas here would be to inspire business owners and marketers to take action. Organize the marketing activities, digital assets and strategy development process. Focus on advanced planning, anticipating needs and project management.  Prepare for market changes, last minute opportunities or even crisis situations.  Understand how all of this can make the marketing budget go further. And, how simple organization and planning can make campaigns more effective.

Learn From Success and Failure

I am a video producer with the benefit of having worn both the marketer and business owner hats in my career. My goal for the new year is to reflect on that experience then write and post blogs worth reading.  In addition, I intend to collect marketing success stories and creative solutions from other marketers and business owners and share them here. In all our years we have served media sales account executives, advertising agency creatives as well as business owners and marketing professionals. Because of decades in video production we certainly have a collection of success stories. Perhaps some of the stories of disaster and failure need to be revisited as well. We all know much can be learned from failure and mistakes. 

Jumpstart Video started in 2004 to serve businesses owners and marketers who needed a great local TV commercial produced quickly and on a tight budget. Success continued in that niche market even as the demand for video content for social media exploded. Our workflow was perfect to meet the changing demand for video content creation.  Marketers began building YouTube channels, posting video to Instagram and Facebook and even broadcasting live video. Jumpstart Video will continue this work and also provide inspiring blog content, ideas and solutions. Our goal is to help everyone be more successful. May we all have a happy, safe and prosperous new year.

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